Thursday 23 January 2014

SEO Training in Jaipur

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving the rank of a webpage in SERP(Search engine results page) of a particular search engine for the set of identified key-phrases. A SERP may contain two types of results, Organic (Natural) or Paid. SEO refer to improving position of a webpage in organic results on SERP.
In Training Jaipur, we are proud of our ability to share Search Engine Optimization knowledge that we have built. Our exclusive SEO training in Jaipur will teach you all about the principles of SEO to give you a solid foundation to carry out successful campaigns for search engine optimization.

SEO training course in Jaipur covers basic SEO guidelines and best strategies of search engines, how search engines work today. SEO practices including Keyword research, On-page optimization, Off-page optimization, PR, Search engine penalties, Web Analysis, Competitor Analysis, and SEO project Management, and FAQs, etc.

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